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Student Beans
2003 in London, GBThe StudentBeans began story began in 2005. Michael and James Eder visited Matt Hagger at E-Man's East London offices in Shoreditch, to pitch an idea for their student offers website. With just a few scribbles on a napkin, the team got to work with Michel working directly with Matt and the E-Man team on the MVP of Studentbeans, while James focused on sales. After launching in Birmingham and expanding to 16 City's across the UK, we hit a userbase of 500,000 before the entire technical stack was migrated from E-Man into StudentBean's own in house team.
Today Studentbeans stands as the biggest student marketing platform in the UK and possibly in the world, employing 200 people in offices throughout the world.

'Matt was our first partner. E-Man guided us from an idea to a national student offers platform serving 500,000 weekly active users and we have gone on from strength to strength'.
Michael Eder, Managing Director and Co-Founder.