Activating the process
Before we swing our process into action on a new project, we must enact its most critical phase: Activation. E-Man’s Activation process has been designed and developed to de-risk the possibility of companies not reaching Series A.
Three factors must combine to activate E-Man’s business creation process: idea, timing and team. When all those principles align, E-Man’s business creation process is activated.

“If not now, then when?”
When a new idea is on time, or even slightly late, market acceptance, viral potential and distribution will exist -- should it be sufficiently radical and disruptive to allow us to monopolise the market and pioneer the scaling of a new behaviour.

“If not this, then what?”
The idea must contradict current belief systems, but have the viral potential -- via adopter discipleship -- to provide the catalyst for a worldwide change in behaviour.

“If not you, then who?”
We collaborate with business founders who are thought-leaders and industry experts, living with the pain of a problem they wish to solve and an insatiable appetite to do so. This is their life purpose -- nothing matters more.
E-Man’s business creation process
E-Man’s business creation process broadly consists of the following stages:






Each is executed by the employment of a number of disciplines.

For E-Man, Product forms the heartbeat of our process. Product defines and leads the vision for any idea through to series A. Throughout the process from conceive to migrate, our product team is key. As vision-bearers for the organisation, extensive research ensures feasibility is tested to ensure ideas have a significant impact and receive buy-in from the entire company and its shareholders.

E-Man’s Legal expertise ensures all of our companies minimise legal risks and costs while ensuring that fundraising is negotiated successfully, as an idea becomes a product and then a high-growth company. Ideas beginning at E-Man have all legal matters covered, as part of the company creation process, from incorporation and share-holder agreements all the way through to SEIS eligibility and fundraising negotiations.

In partnership with Growthdeck and a number of our long-term investment partners, E-Man has launched its own investment fund, focusing on pre-seed stage companies. Should an idea pass initial due-diligence through our Activation phase, E-Man can then seek to ensure it is investment-ready for presentation to our fund managers.

E-Man’s roots lie in technology. Our technology leaders are involved in all process stages from conceive to migrate, encompassing all activities from planning through to implementation. Our team consists of experienced professionals across all layers of the technical stack: from architecture to front & back-end development crossing web, iOS & Android platforms, led by agile project management and ongoing Quality Assurance testing.

Design is integral to the E-Man company creation process. The honing of an idea begins with a name and associated branding, tone, mood & messaging. Every interaction of the product design experience is branded in line with the belief system and story behind the product we are creating. From conceive to migrate, design is involved in the conception, creation, build and support of our companies.

Marketing and PR
Marketing is an integral part of our business creation process. From storytelling and communications strategy, through to planning the pre-awareness, launch and community management of our supported companies, our marketing team supports all areas of the process of idea to product to company.

Every E-Man idea requires financial modelling in order to enable its vision to be road-mapped effectively. E-Man dives deep into the numbers to ensure it is fully equipped to reach its Series A milestone.

Talent acquisition and culture-building is key for any start-up. Getting the foundations in place from day one is key to successful early growth. During support and migration phases in particular, E-Man helps its alumni companies define their culture and find the talent required to grow. We give companies access to our media platform and jobs board to attract talent.