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Save The High Street
2016 in London, GBSaveTheHighStreet.org is an industry movement on a mission to ensure diverse and successful high streets, now and for the long term. The movement launched in August 2016 with the release of a manifesto that laid out a new vision for the high street and how we achieve it together.
Today, SaveTheHighStreet.org is powered by a passionate in-house team, a national High Street Advisory Board (including 250+ independent businesses and 50+ other industry experts), dozens of strategic partners across the public and private sector and a fast-growing network of Local Champions across the UK.

SaveTheHighstreet will forever be indebted to the support and backing of E-Man as we continue our mission.

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April 19, 2020
COVD-19 Support Programme
Save The High Street, an organisation that aims to support local retailers with tools, skills, and digital capabilities, is launching a 12-week COVID-19 support programme to help those struggling with the impact of COVID-19.
The pandemic has caused unprecedented disruption to the already struggling UK high street, with the government last week ordering the closure of all ‘non-essential’ stores across the country in an effort to slow its spread.
Throughout March and April, Save The High Street has spearheaded a research project with input from dozens of...