Live / Non-Profit charity
Selfie Salon
2020 in Cambridge, GBA non-profit charity funnel created by E-Man's founder Matt Hagger to raise money for charities in the fight against COVID-19. We ask people to dedicate home grooming treatments to those they care about with the option to donate to any charity of your choice, directly before nominating 5 friends to do the same. In short: Dedicate, Donate, Nominate.

This is an opportunity to give what I can to help others by offering what I have to raise awareness, by providing people with a platform tell stories and to give people hope'
Matt Hagger - Selfie Salon creator
Everyone in the NHS is trying their hardest to fight coronavirus, and thank you so much for helping us at Bart’s by taking part in the selfie Salon Challenge. Any small contribution will help us look after both our staff and patients to the best of our ability. Thank you and have fun!
Charlotte Manisty - Barts COVID-19 research fund.

Latest news

April 29, 2020
Selfie Salon shines hope on mental health difficulties.
The online ‘dedicate your home own grooming to charity’ movement Selfie Salon has partnered with MIND.
The initiative is encouraging people, being forced to style their own hair, and manage their own grooming care from home, to donate the money they would otherwise have spent to a worthy charity, alongside posting before and after pictures on the www.selfiesalon.co website, prompting five friends and a celebrity to do the same.
Working with MIND as one of the benefiting charities offers the opportunity to help in addressing mental health issues as part of the ‘forced&rs...